Do Not Settle

Do not settle for less than you deserve.
Do not settle for a life lived halfheartedly.
Do not settle for a moment that strips away your hope.

We all feel pain. Sometimes, we feel it so deeply we forget that there is light peeking through the cracks.

Do not settle for a life lived in the dark.
There is light for you. There is hope, courage, healing, wholeness.

There is more than this.

Sometimes we mistreat ourselves because we only see the darkness. It can be difficult to silence the voices that tell us we are nothing.

But you are something. You are infinitely precious.

Do not settle for the lies that tell you this moment is all you have. Because the truth is, there are many moments ahead of you; beautiful, vast and magical moments. Minutes and hours filled with experiences and the joy you dream of. There are good days ahead of you, and you can live them.

You will live them.

Do not settle for the habits that bind you.
Do not settle for the relationship that hurts you.
Do not settle for the idea that this is all there is.

There is so much more for you. There is more than this anxiety that weighs heavy on your chest. There is more than the hours trying to cover your ‘flaws.’ There is more than the memories you keep going back to.

Do not settle for the past. You are not your yesterday, you are your today. And today is your day.

Today is your chance to change things.
Today is your chance to believe for something better.
Today is your chance to live the life you deserve.

Failure does not have to haunt you anymore. You do not have to worry about missing the mark or letting the people you love down. You can change things. You can ask for help. You can enter recovery.

This is your invitation to believe in tomorrow, because you deserve a good tomorrow and a future where the light fills your life instead of peeking through the cracks.

This is a message for you, a reminder of the words you deserve to hear each day.

Do not settle for the dark when you are made to live in the light.